The poster illustration for "Captains Courageous," published by The Century Company, New York, circa 1893. Courtesy of the New York Public Library Digital Collection.
Daily Thoughts 01/31/2020
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
Last night, I read some more of The Periodic Table A Visual Guide to the Elements. I am reading about a lot of substances I have never read about before like Yttrium.
I read some more of Dead Astronauts. Because there are different timelines in the story, the characters can be dead in one timeline and alive in another.
I checked the displays and the gift books.
I checked the biography books in the mezzanine.
I am changing the location of some of the biography books to the mezzanine.
I worked on two orders of new books.
I checked The New York Times and Publishers Weekly Bestseller lists.
I helped a colleague work on a grant for a collection assessment of the local history room.
Web Bits
Children Who Own Books Are Six Times As Likely to Read Above Their
Expected Level
World's First Mobile Library of Things Is On Its Way