A bouquet of pencils from the Mackey Print Paper Company of Pittsburgh, 1897
Daily Thoughts 06/30/2015
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I finished watching Fundamentals of Photography with National Geographer photographer Joel Sartore. It was interesting to watch. The final part was on editing, organizing, and telling stories with photographs. There is a booklet that comes with the dvds which I am going to finish reading.
Joel Sartore photographed the book, Rare: Portrait of America's Endangered Species.
I spent some time reading comics on Hoopla. I read Penguins of Madagascar, #4 by Titan Comics. I really like the humor. I also read Star Trek Countdown to Darkness published by IDW publishing. This was a fun thing to do. I started watching the Brain Fitness put out by PBS. It was interesting. The service is very easy to use.
I went out and bought a digital camera today, a Nikon L830. I also bought a32GB memory card and a lightweight carrying case. It is just something to take some family pictures and a few other pictures here and there.
I spent a little more time doing exercises in the book, Digital Photo Editing with Picasa for Seniors.
Web Bits
This website has a number of articles about real estate development and libraries in Brooklyn and Manhattan.
Could Cyberwar Cause a Library of Alexandria Event
By the Numbers