Book News. October, Volume XV, George Du Maurier, Between 1900 and 1910
Daily Thoughts 03/31/2020
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I put in the April schedule for ADP.
At 12:00 p.m., I partook in a Zoom meeting for the Complete Count Committee of the City of Mount Vernon. It is the second Zoom meeting I have done this month. I think I might want to invest in a camera for the computer. There is going to be another Zoom meeting tomorrow.
I finished reading Ancient Science Through the Golden Age of Greece by George Sarton. There is a strong connection between science and philosophy. I liked reading about Plato and Aristotle.
Web Bits
Virtually Visit 8 World Class Libraries
Authors Guild. AAP Outraged by IA's
'National Emergency Library'
Suvey of U.S. Academic Libraries
Documents Covid 19 Responses