Elias P. van Bommel boekbinder 1898
Daily Thoughts
Today was another busy day. I spent more time examining the 700s. I finished making my first bookmark for the library. It is a bookmark on graphic novels. I am going to work on another bookmark on writing later in the week.
I also spent some time clearing off extra paperwork on my desk. I read the latest Kirkus Reviews and New York Times book review. I also did some minor cleanup with the displays. We have more shelving for the slat walls coming. I also checked the gift books for donated items that are worth adding and found a new calculus book and a current automotive repair book.
I am talking to the Baker and Taylor representative tomorrow. It was a nice predictable day.
I am reading Library 2.0 A Guide to Participatory Library Service by Michael E. Casey and Laura C. Savastinuk. While the ideas are interesting in this book, I don't agree with many of them. I still have some very traditional ideas about libraries in some cases. I also picked up Information Tomorrow Reflections on Technology and the Future of Public and Academic Libraries, Edited by Rachel Singer Gordon witha Foreword by Stephen Abram.
I managed to get ALA (American Library Association) Connect which is the site for social networking on ALA working. I joined a few groups. I noticed that the main groups on the bulletin board with posts are the Social Media, Gaming, and Second Life groups which is kind of interesting. There is a very large following in Second Life by librarians.
During university, some of my friends followed the path of library and information science. A wealth of books exist out there. As you identify genres of interest, you never exhaust all the possibilities. What sorts of books do you choose? Some of my friends work in a children's library, a university humanities libray, a series of city libraries, government archives and also a medical hospital library. Every day I learn more libraries exist than one is often aware.
Right now, I am ordering social science titles, literature, fiction, graphic novels, and law books. I am working with someone on ordering job information center titles. I have ordered a lot of different types of books everything from business to professional titles. I order mainly adult titles.
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