Thursday, January 5, 2017

Daily Thoughts 01/05/2017

The Reader - Juan Gris
The Reader, Juan Gris, 1926

Daily Thoughts 01/05/2017

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

On the way to work, I read some more of The Challenge of Library Management.  I am reading about how you have to get staff buy in and create convincing reasons for change before you can implement changes in libraries.

I checked the displays and the gift books.  There were a few interesting African American titles in the gift books.

I spent some time reviewing items that were damaged from the graphic novels section.  We also finished putting away the Holiday books.

I looked at Blue Cloud Analytics today.

There is a copy of Library Journal which I need to read.

The book, A Borrowed Man by Gene Wolfe came in for me to read.  It is a mystery in a science fiction setting.

I also spent some time working on programming.  We are planning a heart health program and having some motorcycle safety training.

There is a Beginning Microsoft Powerpoint class today from 5;30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Web Bits

These Sci-Fi Looking Incubation Chambers Help Libraries Save Old Newspapers

A Nationwide Effort Launches to Turn 'Book Deserts' Into Literary Oases.

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