Daily Thoughts 08/21/2019
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I checked shelf lists for most of the day for items to discard. In addition to checking for discards, we marked the items we could not find so we could delete records.
I distributed a variety of lists to different staff members for different areas of the library including the large print, mystery, romance, and portions of the mezzanine.
It was a lot of labor checking the books to make sure they were still relevant. We did not just remove books because of the circulation, we also checked their condition, whether there was similar material, whether the material was still accurate because of age, whether there were duplicate copies, whether the content was primary source material, or high quality material. It has been a challenging week.
I took a break and worked on scheduling as well as planned for some programming during September and October.
I also looked up some information on travel books and computer books for ordering. I have a copy of the Ingram Advance to look at.
Web Bits
At This Maine Library, Internet Service
Is Available In A Tent Out Front
Library Cards Unlock Access to Bikes,
Benefiting Communities