Sunday, July 6, 2008

Thoughts For Today

Thoughts For Today

The last few days have been rather tiring. I took some time to rest and did not do much with Entrecard. I also took several naps and generally laid around. I took a walk around the neighborhood to get the blood going again and did some early shopping this morning. After that, I went and bought a cup of coffee from the local deli with milk.

I feel my energy has picked up a bit again today. I will probably start reading Goblin Quest in a little bit.

I am not quite in the right mood to write some poems, probably later in the week, I might try a few short haiku. It is quiet outside in the neighborhood, the weather is rather cool about sixty five degrees with a light wind. In other words it is a nice day to be outside.

I took an early walk in the evening. The fireflies were out in the dusk, making their little golden flashes. If you look at them from a distance, they could almost be little people with lanterns.

Tonight, I finished reading Goblin Quest by Jim C. Hines. It is a monsters eye view of the world. Do you wonder what it is like to be a goblin runt constantly in fear of wandering adventurers smashing through your caves, as well as your vicious neighbors. Then this book is for you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Nishan

I know it's been a while but I've decided to return to the blogging world, albeit in a more subdued capacity. Over the last few months I've created and maintained (with the help of M. J. Kannengieser from Mr. Grudge) the Society of the Midnight Wanderers...

This society was established to recognize fine writers around the world. We discovered bloggers who dedicated themselves to the craft of writing and who maintained high standards for themselves. Our members all have unique styles and voices, and we continue to grow.

The Midnight Wanderers have a emblem that we ask our authors to display on their blogs as a symbol of writing excellence.

Being familiar with your blog for some time now and your excellent writing skills, I was hoping you would considerer becoming part of MW Society. Your addition would give a totally new element of professionalism to the site. Mike and I are also planning the release of a new online literary magazine starting in the fall 2008 and would love to have you as a regular contributer because of your book reviewing skills.
So, I am extending to you a formal invitation to the Society of Midnight Wanderers my friend. I do hope you will accept. I can be reached by email at my blog. Just click on my profile and it will take you to my email address. Thank you. I will also check back here to read any reply comments. Regardless I have added you onto my bogroll at my blog. Take care my friend.

Book Calendar said...

Thanks for coming by. I am definitely interested in joining the Society of Midnight Wanderers. Thanks for coming by. I would gladly include a review or two.