Daily Thoughts 2/3/2010
I finished reading The Book of Dead Philosophers. In the afterword, Simon Critchley tells us that part of the book is based on a course at the New School for Social Research done in 2007 called "To Philosophize Is To Learn To Die." I enjoyed reading this book tremendously.
This morning, I watched a dvd called The Mystery of the Nile about the first expedition to travel the full length of the nile river to the sea. It was interesting hearing the narrative of the group passing through Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan, and eventually reaching Alexandria. They visited ancient Egyptian temples, Ethiopian churches, and an ancient Nubian site. The film was originally done for IMAX.
I have started reading Starship Flagship by Mike Resnick. It is space opera with a bit of irony, humor, and political meandering thrown in.
Today, I have been going through our back orders checking to make sure they are accurate. I also checked to see how the books are coming in compared to other libraries in our system.
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