Daily Thoughts 7/4/2010
I am doing my patriotic duty to stay employed today. I am contacting my legislators, assemblypersons, congress people, senators, and others involved with my library. It should be quite interesting on Tuesday. I have not read anything today. Happy 4th of July. I can hear the fireworks.
This is a response to Are Libraries Necessary from Fox News. http://www.myfoxchicago.com/dpp/news/library-taxes-closed-commissioner-reaction-letter-mary-dempsey-20100702 I took it from one of the comments. I find Fox news to often be partisanly self interested. Fox is a media empire and sells magazines, newspapers, ebooks, and books. Maybe, they believe that they will get some of the revenue if the library closes. You'll get your information from Fox. Libraries are an indirect competitor.
I put aside the book Managing and decided to read something more light weight, Dean Koontz, Frankenstein Lost Souls.
I am putting up my resume today on Linked In. Did not want to do that, but might as well. Sometimes, there needs to be a little bit of motivation. I have it as a Google Doc. Did not want to buy the Microsoft suite.
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