The Writer, Pericles Pantazis, 19th Century
Daily Thoughts 07/06/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook today.
On the way to work, I read some more of Visual Intelligence. I am spending time looking through details in paintings to catch clues about what the paintings are about. This is training in perception.
I checked the displays and the gift books this morning. I also spent time looking over the biography books.
We have a rough outline of all the programs which we plan to do for the coming year for Adult Programming.
I spent a litttle time checking social media accounts.
I have several different review magazines to read, Publishers Weekly, the Times Literary Supplement and the New York Times Book Review. Tomorrow, I'll probably work on an order for e-books with a colleague.
I put in my first order of books for the new year.
Web Bits
Chicago Public Library Gives Online Courses The Personal
Cassava Republic Brings Africa to America
Final Word from Earlyword
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