Sunday, March 8, 2009

Daily Thoughst 3/8/2009

Engraving of a Reader Source Octave Uzanne, Le Livre, Paris, A. Quantin, 1880.
Date 18th Century

Daily Thoughts 3/8/2009

Today was a bit frightening. There is so much political theater on the television going on. All of the pundits are spouting fear. I was at the deli and get a chance to watch Ann Coulter spout her brand of fear. Then later at night, while I was at the laundromat, I was watching 60 Minutes and they were putting out their own special brand of fear, how banks are shut down when they fail by FDIC. It was informative and very scary.

We are in for some very interesting times. Governor Paterson in New York is cutting library budgets. More people are coming in. Things were just going along. Now, I feel, I am going to have to justify everything I do in terms of money. This means lots more statistics and demands for greater results from the community with less money.

I spent some time printing out some of the poetry I had written from this blog. I am going to read it on Tuesday. We are having an open microphone poetry/spoken word event. We decided to add spoken word to our flyers hoping it will get some more people to come. I think I have at least three or four people with original material. One of them got their name in the paper at another poetry reading, he is a boxing poet. Another person has a spoken word cd. The last person has been coming to our library for over twenty years.

I am still reading Words In Your Face.


Stella said...

Good for you if can read your poetry aloud - and to complete strangers. I'd melt from embarrassment.

Book Calendar said...

I like reading poetry to complete strangers. I have figured out most people aren't even thinking of you. They are thinking about sex, lunch, family or their job.

If they are paying attention to you, you should be very happy. Most people don't pay attention.