Creative Commons Share Alike Attribution 2.0, 5 June 2010(2010-06-05), 12:31, By Mendhak from Wikimedia.
Daily Thoughts 7/21/2010
PLA is offering a free online advocacy training course for libraries. I started on the course this morning. http://www.americanlibrariesmagazine.org/news/ala/pla-offers-free-online-library-advocacy-training
Today has been quite busy. I started off by taking care of my orders. Then we had an order meeting where everyone did a round robin of what they planned on ordering. One of our colleagues discussed plans to hang pictures and paintings from our local history collection throughout the building which will be a very nice touch. We have old maps, photographs, and paintings from Westchester County. I think it will be a nice improvement for the building.
I also did a graphic novels club which went fairly well. We had a number of people who came to ask for different graphic novels. Many people still like the old fashioned Marvel comics. Manga has become the most popular form of graphic novels at our library. I like to add associated material, dvds of films based on graphic novels, anime, how to draw comics, how to write comics, storyboarding, animation, and fashion drawing. I am going to ask some people to bring their drawings next time. It might change the focus a bit to make it a little more than reading and discussing comics.
I barely had time to do the session on readers advisory tonight. I was pulled into helping with an author talk which is happening today by Kellye Davis author of The Bliss Principle who is a local author.
We also have the Board Meeting for the Board of Trustees tonight starting at 6:30 p.m., so there is a lot of activity tonight which is rather interesting.
On the train to work, I started reading Digital Photography For Dummies, 6th Edition
by Julie Adair King and Serge Timacheff. It is a practical book. There is a brief mention of Picasa which is a web editor for photographs created by Google. There is a Picasa album for this blog which shows all the photographs on this blog.
by Julie Adair King and Serge Timacheff. It is a practical book. There is a brief mention of Picasa which is a web editor for photographs created by Google. There is a Picasa album for this blog which shows all the photographs on this blog.
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