Daily Thoughts 7/22/2010
I am taking the online Advocacy class from the Public Library Association. It is very generic and designed to fit with most people. It feels like a good way to clarify my thoughts more than anything else so far.I put in my orders this morning. I also have taken some time to look at devices which are compatible with the Overdrive Digital Media Catalog which our library is a member of. There are quite a few nice ebooks, audiobooks, and a selection of MP3 music. I found out that the three main ebooks which are used with this system are the Nook, the Kobo Reader, and the Sony Reader. The Overdrive blog has a little bit on the Kobo reader http://blogs.overdrive.com/library/post/2010/07/09/Kobo-eReader-review-A-simple-eBook-reader.aspx . I also learned that Overdrive sells Sansa MP3 players in batches of 10 which is kind of interesting.
This is an article about Library 2.0 and Readers Advisory. It is part of my class reading. http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA6495211.html?q=neal+wyatt+redefining+ra+annotations Reflecting on the article, I use Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/ to track the books I am reading which I want to fully review. I am not sure that I want to use the full style of annotation which goes with readers advisory work.
I also changed the books in two displays. I put in books from storage on civil rights, and also did a small display of comics lit books. One of my favorite comics lit books is Remembrance of Things Past Combray by Marcel Proust, drawn by Stephane Heuet.
I also am checking out two books, Blonde Bombshell a Comedy of Intergalactic Proportions by Tom Holt and Clay Shirky, Cognitive Surplus Creativity and Generosity In a Connected Age.
OCLC report on fundraising and libraries. http://www.oclc.org/reports/funding/fullreport.pdf
http://csea860.org/laid-mt-vernon-workers-reinstated This is the unions side of the story about the reinstatement of the workers at the Mount Vernon Public Library
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