Daily Thoughts 3/25/2009
I started reading Eat That Frog. It is already turning out to be a fantastic book. It is a distillation of many key points on how to not procrastinate, prioritize and get things done quickly. I think it may be the best book I have ever read on this subject. I put the book down during the day, misplacing it.
I also had a very interesting conversation about the Iphone with a patron at the library. He has had an Iphone for quite a bit. He tells me that the main advantage to having an Iphone is that there are so many applications that people can have on it. I told him about the free Stanza ebook reader and he downloaded it. He also took a look at the mobile reader platform for Google Books which was also interesting. I am still trying to convince myself to buy an Iphone. It is disruptive technology. At least I keep telling myself that.
When I got home, I thought about it for a while and realized that the book was available online through http://www.safaribooksonline.com/Corporate/Index/ . They have a free trial for 10 books for 10 days. So, right now, I am trying out the Safari Ebook library. The first book I am reading is Eat That Frog. It is an online subscription service to technical books.
I am also working on putting together a display for Earth Day which is on April 22, 2009. I will include some books on the environment, alternative energy, gardening, and recycling. I think it will be a first step in setting up things for the city.
On Friday, I will be working on ordering new fiction. I am going to try and fill in the gaps on buying books by the most popular authors by circulation. I am going to look at the last four years for each author and whether or not we have the books.
Tomorrow is tax day which is a challenge. I think I have all my paperwork ready.
Hi, just wanted to say thanks for dropping by my blogspot. I found your comments on libraries on the Book Blog discussion very pertinent.
For Earth day I might get some kids to do a display, some of the higher grades have just finished projects on sustainable living, so it will give them a chance to show off a bit. And as an arch procrastinator I think I might need Eat That Frog!
Thanks for coming by Book Pusher. Paying attention to what is happening in libraries is very important right now. Things are changing very fast. There is a lot of disruptive technology which is becoming available, book kiosks, Iphones, smart devices, new publishing software.
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