Daily Thoughts 8/18/2009
While I was reading through Publishers Weekly looking for books to purchase, I found a book which I am looking forward to in October, Sunflowers: A Novel of Vincent Van Gogh by Sheramy Bundrick. The book had a starred review. Vincent Van Gogh is one of my favorite painters. His life is full of excitement, tragedy, and madness. The novel should be quite interesting.
Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak is being turned into a movie. It was already made into a play earlier. It was a favorite book when I was a child.
I finished reading The Age of Ra by James Lovegrove on the train to work. I liked it, but am not going to review it. I donated the paperback to the library to be added to the collection.
Today has been a solid day. I went through the New Arrivals section this morning and pulled a few books that needed to be relabeled. I also did some more weeding.
I put in a request through Net Galley, http://www.netgalley.com for an electronic galley of The Case For Books, Past, Present and Future by Robert Darnton. Robert Darnton is a librarian at Harvard University.
I am also an admirer of Van Gogh, so much intense life leaping from his canvases. Where the Wild Things Are is just one of those great picture books that you would love to see every child have the opportunity to grow up with. I am also looking forward to seeing the film, I hope they do it justice.
I really liked having the Where The Wild Things are read to me. I would hold my stuffed buffalo while it was read to me. I used to call it my lumpalo.
Van Gogh has a fantastic quality to it that is very different when you see the pictures up close. They have a very thick layering effect which is almost hypnotic. Van Gogh was in the asylum when he painted it.
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