Daily Thoughts 8/5/2009
Every couple weeks we have a reference meeting to discuss reference books. I chose Jane's Vintage Aircraft Recognition Guide by Tony Holmes for the next meeting. It has lots of pictures of old airplanes in an A to Z guide. This book covers the period from World War I to the 1970s. Janes is known for its coverage of military and civilian vehicles all over the world. If you want to know specifications for submarines, commercial aircraft, military aircraft, naval vessels, and many other vehicles, Janes provides excellent concise and accurate information about vehicles Jane's is often the best place to turn.I did some weeding in the 700s this afternoon. Right now, we are shifting the audiobooks to make room for the fiction books. Things are moving along nicely.
I am changing the books from the Current Events display with more recent books. Right now, I looked up books on Iran, North Korea, and Iraq as well as healthcare. These seem to have a lot of news coverage right now in the United States.
I finished reading How You Make The Sale What Every New Salespersn Needs to Know by Frank McNair. This book is a book on how to do consultative selling. This book is not about how to write scripts, hard sell, or be combative.
It follows the idea that every customer has a problem which they are seeking to solve and it is the salesmans job to find the solution to that problem. This book focuses on how to listen to the customer, ask the right questions, and taylor the sale to the customers need. Frank McNair uses automotive sales for many of his examples.
There are no secrets in this book. The book describes a step by step process; meeting the customer, listening to them, clarifying their wants, determining what problem needs to be solved, knowing your product, presenting the solution with a benefit, completing the transaction, and followup. This book describes each step with examples, end of chapter questions, and chapter summaries.
The book exudes common sense. It is very easy to follow. It is the kind of sales pitch which would make me comfortable; one based on service, feedback, and research.
I've read his Carmilla and while it's not the best horror or vampire novella out there, it's good for light reading. It's especially good if you like formal old English wording and grammar. It's quite predictable but then again, maybe it's not during his time. Here's an online copy should you want to check it out: http://www.sff.net/people/DoyleMacdonald/l_carmil.htm
The link is much appreciated. His ghost stories makes for nice light reading.
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