Daily Thoughts 10/26/2009
I read some more of The Art of Innovation on the train to and from work. It has a lot about breaking down barriers and being very creative. The pictures are entertaining and the book is well designed. I am almost done reading it.
I watched The Beatles Yellow Submarine yesterday. There was a lot which I picked up which I did not understand before. I especially like the sequence on Nowhere Man. It reminds me a bit of myself in some ways. The cartoon was very psychedelic and interesting. I don't think that there will be anything quite like it ever produced again.
I worked on talking to people about shifting the collection. It was a very challenging, interesting, and somewhat sad day today.
China Mieville is on my must read list.
Hope not to challenging and sad, at least not boring.
Un Lun Dun is a fantastic book. If you like young adult books it would be a great start.
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