Daily Thoughts 10/30/2009
I read some more of Sandman Slim during lunch. It is very entertaining. I am almost finished reading it. It might be a bit too dark for some people. It is also a bit profane so some people may not like it. The story is very good though and the writing is excellent for the type of story it tells.
This morning, I did a display of mysteries from the storage area. I was trying to come up with a set of words that would simplify the word storage and sound good. We actually call the storage area, the mezzanine. I pulled books by authors like Dashiell Hammett, Agatha Christie, Wilkie Collins, Erle Stanley Gardner, Sherlock Holmes Pastiches, Simenon, Rex Stout, and others to display. We let people check out books from our displays and replenish them most of the time.
Two new bookmarks were also printed up, one for writing books and another for poetry books. Hopefully, people will take them and find something worthwhile to read.
This morning, I was reading the review magazines. They are coming out with more titles like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. The latest one that I have seen is a holiday book; It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Zombies by Michael P. Spradlin.
I picked up a few items to take home, mainly videos, Little Lulu Potato Kids, The Color of Magic which is also an entertaining fantasy book, and Blade Runner the 2 Disc Edition, I have seen Blade Runner many times, this edition includes material on the making of Blade Runner. Blade Runner is based on the book, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick. It is possibly the best science fiction film ever made.
I just don't get the popularity of zombie books, my resident teenager was raving about a zombie romance.
I much prefer Pratchett's books to the filmed adaptations, but I hope you enjoy The Colour of Magic.
I do. There is so much to be annoyed about with some of the things in the classics. People are often forced to read them. It is almost a satisfying if a bit funny revenge. I like some of the classics, but some of them really are not my cup of tea.
It is also a new way to do something and people are attracted to it. I found it entertaining that most of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies was the original book, and only a small portion of it was remade. This reminds us how silly things can be in some ways.
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