Friday, December 25, 2009

Daily Thoughts 12/25/2009

Houghton Mifflin and Company’s Holiday Books for MDCCCXCVArmstrong & Co, Boston, 1895

Daily Thoughts 12/25/2009

My First Resolutions for the year:

1) While I am not officially going to put together a challenge, I will ask those who follow this blog to do what I plan to do during the next year, read and review 52 books, a book week during the next year. Or at least keep track and read a bit every single week.

2) Attend every single New York Librarians Meetup for the year.

3) Attend the following conferences, Book Expo America, New York Comic Con, New York Is Book Country, and Westchester Library Asssociation at a minimum.

4) Take time to relax and spend time with friends and family.

5) Exercise at least three times a week, cut out candy, soda, and snack foods.

6) Learn more about investing, specifically stocks focusing on alternative energy and clean technology, and keeping a personal budget.

7) Continue working on my blog and social networks.

8) Enjoy life and try to keep inner calm.

I like to think that I am making resolutions that I can follow that are specific and doable. The more specific the better.

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