Sunday, November 18, 2012

Daily Thoughts 11/18/2012

Daydreaming, A. Seifert, 1901

Daily Thoughts 11/18/2012

This morning, I did my laundry and read some more of True North.  I am almost finished reading it.  It has helped me focus a little bit more on what I would like to do.  It helped me do a short rewrite of the beginning of my Linkedin profile.

I learned today that there are some new limits on Twitter.  There is a maximum of 2000 people which an account can be following.  This encouraged me to go back using the application Friend or Follow and make some adjustments to the library Twitter account.  It should be a bit more effective now.

I received my membership application yesterday from the American Library Association.  I am taking a serious look at what I should spend my money on.  American Library Association has not been as helpful as ASIS&T (American Society of Information Science and Technology) to me when I have gone to librarian events.   However, the ALA online classes have been excellent.

 I am considering ASIS&T instead of ALA.  I won't be able to afford both.  The most helpful organizations to me so far have been the New York Librarians Meetup which is free as well as New York My Metro which will definitely continue being a member of.  I have not been to many events lately.  A lot of this has been about focusing on what I should do.

I finished reading True North Discover Your Authentic Leadership by Bill George.  This book is different than almost every book on leadership that I have ever read.  A lot of it is about having a moral compass, self awareness, and being able to lead through a variety of styles most of which are not control oriented.  I learned about how knowledge, learning, persuasion, delegating and empowering other people are ways to lead. The book had sets of exercises at the end of every chapter which touched on subjects like purpose, family life, interests, and many things outside of the job which give people character.  It was well worth reading.

Web Bits

Lessons for Book Publishing from the Music Industrys Digital Street Fight

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