Thursday, September 3, 2015

Daily Thoughts 09/03/2015

Daily Thoughts 09/03/2015

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

Last night, I read some more of Three Moments of an Explosion.  I am reading a short story about the hidden suits in decks of cards.

I rested on the train to work.

I checked the gift books and the displays.  I spent some time putting together a display for Hispanic Heritage Month which ties in with the program for Latino Americans 500 Years of History.. My colleague is working on a display for Banned Books Week. I also spent some time looking for latino films today.

I printed some flyers and sent out some mailings to the email list.  I have a number of events that I am currently working on.

I plan on updating Bookletters today with some new material.  I have a copy of the latest Ingram Advance to read.

Web Bits

Public Libraries in a Jobless Society

The Library Card The Most Valuable Item in a Wallet


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