Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Daily Thoughts 03/21/2018

Thomas Rowlandson - Bookseller and Author - Google Art Project.jpg
Thomas Rowlandson, Bookseller and Author, 1784

Daily Thoughts 03/21/2018

The library is closed due to inclement weather.  I spent time calling employees to not come in.

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook in the morning.

I also spent some time working on scheduling.

I read some more of The One Percent Solution.  I am reading about charter schools and vouchers and they are supported by the wealthy and corporations.

I read a little more of Fair Shot Rethinking Inequality And How We Earn by Chris Hughes Co-Founder of Facebook.  The book opens with some biographical background of Chris Hughes and a little bit about the early start of Facebook,

I looked at Fat Brain Toys because they have a lot of coding and programming toys for children.  There is also a discount of 10% for libraries.

Think Fun also has some interesting inexpensive coding games.

Web Bits

I rather like the libraries in video games blog.

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