Grabporträtmedaillon eines Mannes (Schreiber von Flavia Solva) Fundort: Wagna (aus den Grabungen 1915) Höhe: 69 cm Datierung: Konstantinisch (1. bis 2. Jahrzehnt d. 4. Jh. n. Chr.) Marmor aus Bachern (Pohorje) Ausstellungsort: Lapidarium des Archäologiemuseums Graz
Daily Thoughts 03/13/2019
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I read some more of Lasers, Death Rays, and the Long, Strange Quest for the Ultimate Weapon. I was reading about Edward Teller who invented the hydrogen bomb. He also supported the idea of the nuclear bomb pumped lasers. There is a certain extreme in Teller who also made plans to create harbors in Alaska using nuclear bombs. Tellers plans for bomb pumped x-ray lasers were part of the Strategic Defensive Initiative or "Star Wars."
This morning, I checked the displays and the gift books.
I also spent some time discussing programming.
I checked the 600s, the oversize, and some of the fiction books in the mezzanine.
I looked through two copies of Publishers Weekly. I have a copy of the latest Ingram Advance to read through.
Web Bits
Trump's 2020 Budget Proposal Threatens
to Defund Libraries
Information Literacy Can Combat Fake
Keeping Things Found
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