I posted a question about blog2print on the blog at sharedbooks.com:
What happened to your blog2print function? It has been a little over a day and a half and I am wondering if your server will come back up. I would like to know if I should keep my widget on my blog? It is taking up both space and time. Please explain this.
This morning should be interesting. I am showing the Maltese Falcon today at work. It should be entertaining. I have always liked Humphrey Bogart. A little classic mystery gets the day going right. Right new the popcorn and juice are being bought and the room is being set up by maintenance.
What happened to your blog2print function? It has been a little over a day and a half and I am wondering if your server will come back up. I would like to know if I should keep my widget on my blog? It is taking up both space and time. Please explain this.
This morning should be interesting. I am showing the Maltese Falcon today at work. It should be entertaining. I have always liked Humphrey Bogart. A little classic mystery gets the day going right. Right new the popcorn and juice are being bought and the room is being set up by maintenance.
I really enjoyed the film. There is a special aliveness you don't see in many of todays films. Humphrey Bogart is a great actor. The ending line was quite nice. Humphrey Bogart is holding the Maltese Falcon and says the famous lines "This is what dreams are made of."
This morning I learned something interesting, Verizon also publishes the Five Digit National Zipcode Directory. We were billed for phone books without an itemized bill, so I had to go back and call Verizon, which sent the bill. Always ask for fully itemized bills, it ends up saving you money and insures you are getting what you want.
Today has been a bit frustrating. A lot of little details. I put some new looseleaf pages in the law books; New York Code of Rules and Regulations, and Benders Forms for the Civil Practice. This is a slow process, requiring care, patience, and attention to detail. With this kind of thing, I try to do a little bit each day.
There have been a lot of hard details to take care of around work. Things like checking, the email reference and answering questions.
I finished reading The Citizen Powered Energy Handbook Community Solutions to A Global Crisis. I wrote a rough draft for the review on the train home. I feel that I want to wait until morning to write the final review.
While I was looking around the house at books, I found The Wood Wife by Terri Windling. It is one of the Mythopoeic award books which I promised to read. I have read the first few pages. The writing is very literary despite being fantasy.
Neil Gaiman's Stardust came in. It was just the book. I will probably check out the book and wait for the film to come in so I can read the book than see the film immediately after.
I didn't have a whole lot of time to play with entrecard today. I was simply too busy for once.
Hi, I just responded on our blog, but wanted to let you know here too that we're in the process of completing some upgrades to Blog2Print. They should be finished soon and we'll post an update once the process is complete. Thank you for your patience!
Thanks for letting me know. I do appreciate your concern for customers.
You're welcome! I see that the widget is restored on your blog now and live again -- the upgrades are nearly complete.
One of my favorite lines is from The Maltese Falcon. After Joel Cairo complains that Spade's explanations are always so smooth, he answers, "What do you want me to do, learn to stutter?"
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