I have been thinking about how I can increase use of this site. One of the things which people suggest is to create a feed so people can subscribe to the site. I just added a feedburner widget in my widgets section so people can subscribe to the site. I get about 115 visits a day right now. This is not a huge amount of visits. I am glad to have broken 100 visitors a day. I am aiming by the end of they year to have 500-1000 visitors per day.
Right now, one of the reasons I have asked for feedback is to see how I can improve the site so it can be more appealing to the average visitor. I also adjusted one of the widgets this morning to a smaller format for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
I also took some time to update the Powell's list of books I have read. I am working late tonight, so I can spend a little bit of time to update my site this morning. Going to work late when it is snowing can be interesting.
Right now, I am still reading On Writing Well. I think it will take about three to four days for me to finish and write a review. The writing is very dense and there are lots of examples on how to improve writing quality. I can already tell that my writing quality will improve from reading this book. I thought about breaking up the review of the book into three sections. But, I realized although each chapter can be read separately, they are not meant to be reviewed individually like a short story, but as part of a whole book.
Right now, one of the reasons I have asked for feedback is to see how I can improve the site so it can be more appealing to the average visitor. I also adjusted one of the widgets this morning to a smaller format for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
I also took some time to update the Powell's list of books I have read. I am working late tonight, so I can spend a little bit of time to update my site this morning. Going to work late when it is snowing can be interesting.
Right now, I am still reading On Writing Well. I think it will take about three to four days for me to finish and write a review. The writing is very dense and there are lots of examples on how to improve writing quality. I can already tell that my writing quality will improve from reading this book. I thought about breaking up the review of the book into three sections. But, I realized although each chapter can be read separately, they are not meant to be reviewed individually like a short story, but as part of a whole book.
Things have been very very busy at work and at home. I have had a bit more time to read On Writing Well on the subway. At the job, I have been weeding the Job Information Center and preparing a big order of job books, entrepreneur books, resume books, civil service test books, and educational test books. It has taken up most of my day doing this. Combined with a long committee meeting that lasted about two hours, it has been interesting.
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