Friday, December 8, 2017

Daily Thoughts 12/8/2017

Poster Leningrad Department of State Publishing (Lengiz) Boris Kustodiev, 1925

Daily Thoughts 12/08/2017

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

On the way to work, I read some of the book Bunk.  I am reading about the Cottingley fairy hoaxes.  Arthur Conan Doyle believed in fairies.

I also read a little more of Winning Elections and Influencing Politicians.  I am reading about the process of mapping out a budget campaign for libraries.

I checked the displays and the gift books.

We had a training session for e-books focusing on Overdrive and 3M Cloud Library.  Overdrive recently released the Libby App.

I spent some time working with Overdrive this afternoon because there were some changes in how Overdrive Advantage is being administered.

I also spent some time in the computer lab this afternoon helping someone scan photographs.

I also spent some time working on the Audre Lorde program which we are planning for April 2017.

I checked the New York Times Bestseller List and the Publishers Weekly Bestseller List this afternoon  and worked on some book orders.

I read part of the New York Times Book Review today.  It is the time of the holiday book review issue.  The December 3, 2017 book review is 80 pages long.  I expect to get lists of every title that was potentially good during this year.

I checked out In The Midst of Winter by Isabel Allende.  It is being read by the book club this month.

Web Bits

My Job at the Library: the Library's First Official Historian

Advocating for LIbraries Tips for Talking to Your Legislators

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