Unknown (artist), National Savings Committee (publisher/sponsor), James Haworth and Brother Ltd, London (printer), Her Majesty's Stationery Office (publisher/sponsor) between 1933 and 1945
Daily Thoughts 04/01/2018
I checked the library Facebook and Twitter this morning.
I checked the New York Times bestseller list and the Publishers Weekly bestseller list this morning.
I am reading some more of The Common Good. I am reading about how changes have occurred in business politics which allow a winner take all at any cost philosophy. In business, there is increasingly a belief that the only thing that matters is the bottom line profitability. In politics it has become increasingly acceptable to use dirty tricks and negative advertising.
I also read some more of Enlightenment Now. I am reading about how there is less war. Part of this is that there are now more international laws which condemn warfare as well as a greater desire for commerce between nations.
I am watching The Hollywood Librarian A Look At Librarians Through Film done by the Media Education Foundation. This film mixes the history and functions of librarians with short clips from films. For example, they had a brief clip of the song Marian the Librarian from the film the Music Man and a clip from the film The Desk Set. There are a lot of films clips i the movie. It also gives examples of different function of librarians like children's librarianship and literacy. There are other examples of famous people like the writer John Steinbeck and the librarian, Nancy Perl. It is an interesting film. There is even discussion of fundraising and the place of the public sector for libraries. This is a film on Kanopy.
Web Bits
Yes, Bookmobiles Are Still A Thing
At the library: Celebrate National Library Week In April
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