Friday, April 27, 2018

Daily Thoughts 04/27/2018

Art and Literature, After William Bouguereau (French, La Rochelle 1825–1905 La Rochelle), Lithograph
Art and Literature After William Bouguereau (French, La Rochelle 1825–1905 La Rochelle), George Barrie, 1882

Daily Thoughts 04/27/2018

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

Where to Find Diverse Books

I checked the displays and the gift books this morning.

I finished reading Myths of Leadership Banish Misconceptions And Become A Great Leader by Jo Owen.  Jo Owen describes how there is not a single to path to leadership and that there is no single universal theory of leadership.  He challenges many of the traditional ideals of leadership like the "Great Man Theory" of leadership.  There is a clear attempt to show how ordinary people can lead, build trust, and share credit with people they work for. Jo Owen's main point is that leaders get people to do things they would not have tried to do on their own.  He describes a process of building a team, having other people cover your weaknesses, creating a vision, and facing future challenges.  This books brings leadership down to earth.

This afternoon is the last session for Ozobots from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the computer lab.

I am gathering some statistics for a report today.

I ordered boxes from Better World Books for the Mount Vernon Public Library Friends of the Library Book Sale.

I printed out some photo release forms so we could take pictures for the Ozobots class.

I read the New York Times Bestseller list and the Publishers Weekly Bestseller list today.

Web Bits

Library of Congress and Bibliotheque Nationale de France Announce Collaboration on International Digital Content

Senior at University of Utah Installs 'The Cry Closet' in Library for Finals Week

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