Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Daily Thoughts 04/10/2018

Giuseppe Sacconi, Allegory of Poetry, 1789

Daily Thoughts 04/10/2018

I rested on the train to work.

I checked the Twitter and Facebook at the library.

I checked the gift books and the displays this morning.

This month is National Poetry Month.

I placed on several copies of Want Not by Jonathan Miles for our next book club.

I put in two orders for new books this afternoon.

I have a pile of periodicals which I have not gotten to yet.

The Crochet Group met today from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

I spent some time working on the scheduling for the last couple of weeks.  I am putting several full time salaried people into the schedule now.

I worked on the oversize books today.

There is a Fundamentals of Computers Class and a Beginning Microsoft Word Class from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. tonight.

I put some poetry books on display including a few by Audre Lorde.

On the way home, I read some more of Enlightenment Now.  I am reading about how more people are seeking after happiness.

Web Bits

The State of America's Libraries 2018

How Libraries Are Reinventing Themselves to Fight Fake News

Andrew Carnegie Built 1700 Public Libraries But Some Towns Refused Steel Barons Money

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