Thursday, August 2, 2018

Daily Thoughts 08/02/2018

Emily Dickinson stamp 8c.jpg
Emily Dickinson Stamp, Issued by the Postal Service in 1971

Daily Thoughts 08/02/2018

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I finished reading The Upcycle Beyond Sustainability-- Designing for Abundance by William McDonough and Michael Braungart.  This book has some interesting ideas about waste.  Their view is that waste is basically recyclable materials and energy.  The goal is to make everything recyclable or convertable to energy.  In this book they describe a process where everything becomes reusable.  Human and animal waste become fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphurus, and biofuels.

They also describe a change in design where items are reviewed for their ability to be recycled and not have toxic content.  The authors rebuild things using design to make them reusable and environmentally safe.  This includes buildings, carpeting, chairs, and almost any physical object.  They also describe a process where there is a continuous effort to improve the quality of goods.  It is inspiring to read this material.

I checked the displays and the gift books this morning.

I talked with the Friends of the Library for a little bit about James Williams.

I checked out the books, Factfulness Ten Reasons We're Wrong About The World-- And Why Things Are Better Than You Think by Hans Rosling.  This book is a recommendation of Bill Gates.

I also checked out the book,  The Librarians Guide to Homelessness an Empathy Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone by Ryan J. Dowd.

I spent some time working on the oversize books today.  I also spent some time making decisions about duplicate copies of fiction and nonfiction titles.

I did a little training with Select Reads.  I am starting on creating some custom web based book lists.

It is confirmed today that we are getting money from the Community Development Block Grant to have some ADA improvements as well as pay for teen laptop computers.

I spent a little time discussing signage.

There is a Beginning Microsoft Powerpoint class tonight in the computer lab from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m .

I worked a little bit on a mystery list for Select Reads. 
I also generated a list of fiction items that have not circulated in the last 7 years.

Web Bits

Perkins CTE Reauthorization Supports Library Role

Accenture Wins Library of Congress Data Center Contract

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