Memory (1896). Olin Warner (completed by Herbert Adams). Bronze door at main entrance of the Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building.
Daily Thoughts 11/30/2015
I checked the Twitter and Facebook for the library.
I also placed an order for new books this morning.
On the way to work, I finished reading Welcome to Night Vale by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor. I enjoyed the novel. Even though the book is fantasy, it is still about relationships between people. The strangeness in the story only makes the people in it more poignant. This is an excellent piece of modern fantasy.
I started reading Smarter Than You Think by Clive Thompson. It is about how computers extend human thought. The author describes the concept of extended cognition. Books extend our ability to remember, calculators extend our ability to do mathematics, and writing externalizes our thoughts.
I checked the displays and gift books this morning.
I read the latest copy of the New York Times Book Review. I also put out new copies of the Bookpage. I printed up some flyers for events as well as some bookmarks.
Web Bits
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Quite a few people have been requesting copies of the exhibitors form lately. Some of our programs are increasing in popularity.
Quite a few people have been requesting copies of the exhibitors form lately. Some of our programs are increasing in popularity.
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