Saturday, March 14, 2020

Daily Thoughts 03/14/2020

Horowitz - Portret Jadwigi z Zamoyskich Sapieżyny 1882.jpg
Leopold Horowitz - Portret Jadwigi z Zamoyskich Sapieżyny 1882

Daily Thoughts 03/14/2020

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I read some more of The Art of Memory.

I checked the dislays and the gift books.

The Mount Vernon Public Library is open right now.

I read a copy of Library Journal.

I chose some books to be put in the mezzanine from the biography section.

Web Bits

Proactivity, Resilience: Washington Libraries on the Front Lines of COVID-19

Pandemic Exposes ‘Digital Divide’ As Schools, Workplaces Close

Activists Created a 12.5 Million Block Digital Library in Minecraft to Byass Censorship Laws

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