Daily Thoughts 11/22/2009
I have started reading Moral Panics and the Copyright Wars. Right now, I am reading about the fight between the record labels and the online downloading services. It is very much a story about legalistic control versus innovative new products. The story is quite interesting. It describes two different models of content distribution push versus pull. A push model tries to push out what a company thinks people should get. A pull model is based on pulling in what customers want and including them in the process. The story of Copyright Wars is also a reminder that it is easy enough to go to forms of entertainment that are more flexible about copyright than traditional print media like video games for entertainment.
I watched some of Cowboy Bebop Remix, The Complete Collection on dvd. This is supposed to be one of the best anime series ever done. The soundtrack which is a mix of jazz, bebop, and light rock is fantastic. The story is also excellent. It is the story of two bounty hunters, Spike and Jet and their travels through space to catch various people wanted by the law. I liked the first few episodes. It is something to watch while I am on vacation.
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