Daily Thoughts 11/25/2009 I am almost done reading Moral Panics and the Copyright Wars. Right now, I am reading about the history of technology and copyright. It starts with movies, then moves to videos starting with betamax, then dvds, and finally I am reading about the internet and movies. This of course touches on the subject of DRM (Digital Rights Management) and the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act). It is quite interesting and very relevant. It speaks directly to the issue of innovation and copyright.
I just finished the book. The last chapter is on innovation in relation to copyright. William Patry makes an argument that copyright often prevents innovation and limits the adoption of new technologies. I found his observations about how Japan and South Korea have become the world leaders in broadband adaptation to be enlightening. This is a very good book.
I received another suggestion for conferences that crossover between librarianship and publishing. The International Conference of the Book is another one: http://2009.booksandpublishing.com/
I came accros your blog and i'm fascinated! I am a librarian of profession too although I have been in configuration management for the past few years. I will follow your blog from now on. I don't think many people understand the passion you have for the this profession. To be a Librarian is in many instances just like being a dr or theologist. i believe it is a calling and yes once again truly a passion!
Thank you for saying so. It is a passion in many ways. I sometimes wish libraries would open up a bit more to changes in technology. I sometimes think I am just interested in publishing, bookselling, and everything that has to do with information.
This is actually funny, we were discussing the issue of Copyright today. It so happens that the Library at the company that I work for sources some references from the internet. What are the the Legal aspects when you source something say via Google? I must still go read South Africa's new Copyright Law as I just know the old one and apparently it changed considerably.
We had a long discussion about Deliverables vs Refeences and when it should be under Config and when it should be seen as a Library document etc. etc. It became a confusing issue to me after a while.
I would like to hear your views on it!
I received an e-mail from Barnes and Noble today as well that the ne Michael Crichton book is out. Obviously still expensive in SA as only the hard cover is available. I thought to myself, did he not die ?? After Googling him I confirmed it. Must have been his last book. Interesting how things just pops up.
Take Care
That is not an easy question. When I did a bit of freelance research for someone, I think you are only supposed to include the link and a brief citation not the full document because the content itself on a website is copyrighted. Link and citation only. This is true in the United States. This is unless there is a notice on the site with a specific license.
The Digital Millenium Copyright Act automatically copyrights things in the United States which is a little unique. So even if there is no notice, there is a good chance works are still under copyright.
There is a lot of material that is creative commons or GPL (gnu public license), where it is more important to cite and then have full use. Look at the site for these kind of notices Things have changed considerably.
I know this is true even if you are using a public library database which you access via a public library card. You are only supposed to give the citation to the person requesting the research. I think you have to pay for the document or let the person go directly to the citations themselves.
Many of the images which I use are from Wikimedia or other public domain sites. I am quite careful about this. There are other issues personal rites ( an image of a living person), trademark which are just as important as copyright.
Then you get into the issue of fair use. Parody and reviews are considered to be fair use.
I am not even going to go into the copy machine which is an interesting story.
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