Saturday, February 28, 2015

Daily THoughts 02/28/2015

Portrait of Two Women, Diego Rivera, 1914
Daily Thoughts 02/28/2015

Last night, I read some more of Waking, Dreaming, Being.  I am reading about out of body experiences.  In addition to the various spiritual explanations there are some rational descriptions of how when you stimulate certain parts of the brain, people experience being separated from their body.  There is also an idea that we can perceive our body as being separate from us through our senses but not actually be out of our body.

This morning, I checked the Twitter and Facebook for the library.  I also spent some time looking at collection policies from around Westchester county.

I am doing a little checking on my side bar for the blog.  Things needed some updating.

I am getting the book, The Orbital Perspective Lessons on Seeing the Big Picture from a Journey of 71 Million Miles by Ron Garan. It is an inspirational book by an astronaut.

I put the book, Hurricane Fever by Tobias Buckell on hold.  It is a near future thriller.   Basically it takes the technothriller postulates some kind of new technology, then creates a setting which is a recognizable near future.

I am reading about the idea that we are not conscious when we are in deep sleep in the book Waking, Dreaming, Being. 

I watched a little bit of the PBS documentary, Makers Women Who Make America.  It is about women's history.  March is Women's History Month.

Web Bits

"We're All Exploited Here" on Paying Writers and Editors

The Secret Libraries of Chicago 

 In Praise of Libraries

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