Gregor Perusek, Still Life, January 1, 1940
Daily Thoughts 08/12/2016
I checked the displays and the gift books today.
We had a going away party for one of my colleagues today. They served punch and cookies. She has a full time job at a community college.
I put in the paperwork for 3M + Biblioteca Cloud Library today. We are going to order a variety of material as part of a consortium of libraries including Urban Fiction, Inspirational Fiction, and African American fiction as e-books.
I also arranged for a pickup for Better World Books next week.
I am on vacation next week.
I spent some time working on my weekly order of new books today.
Three books came in for me to read 5 Steps of Outcome-Based Planning & Evaluation for Public Libraries which is a library management book, Staffing for Results A Guide to Working Smarter which is another library management book, and The Purpose Based Library Finding Your Path to Survival, Success, and Growth by John J. Huber and Steven V. Potter. The Purpose Based Library incorporates some lean management techniques.
Web Bits
Making Libraries Visible on the Web
Star Wars Reads Returns This October
The Presidents Summer Reading List
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