Sunday, August 21, 2016

Daily Thoughts 08/21/2016

Lippincott's Series of Select Novels, The Spell of Ursula by Mrs. Rowlands
Daily Thoughts 08/21/2016

I checked the Twitter and Facebook today for the library.

I read the New York Times Bestseller list and the Publishers Weekly Bestseller list.

I spent a little time thinking about library staffing.

I am finishing my vacation today.  I spent a little time going over programming, flyers, and other things I need to attend to when I get back.

I also took some time to look at the CAT access tool for ordering from the Cloud Library from 3M+ Biblioteca.

Web Bits

New York Public Library Celebrates 95th Birthday of Winnie-the-Pooh With Restoration, New Display

Cuyahoga County Libraries Push Every Child to Have a Library Card


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