Daily Thoughts 5/31/2010
Happy Memorial Day. There is a parade outside with the local politicians, the veterans, scouts, and automobile club. It is very nice outside. Pleasant enough to take a nice long walk.
My to be read list is in front of me. I am planning to read Daniel H. Pink, Drive The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Tobias Buckell mentioned it on Facebook, Seth Godin, Linchpin Are You Indispensable mentioned by Ron Hogan during his speech at the Book Blogger Convention, Laurence Cosse, A Novel Bookstore an advanced reading copy I got at Book Expo America, Gail Carriger, Changeless, I just like her books and Rex Riders by J.P. Carlson, another advanced reading copy I got at Book Expo America.
Barbara Genco who is the Editor for Collection Development for Library Journal twittered this, it is a set of summer picks for books from NPR. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=127212916
Occassionally, I prune my side bar when book blogs become inactive and replace them with other book blogs that are linking to me. I usually wait until a blog has been inactive for one to two months. People stop blogging after a while and try something else. Alabama Bookworm is active again http://albookworm.blogspot.com/ , I am not sure about Book Bound, they mainly review paranormal romance and young adult which is interesting, but not quite in the same category as the books which I review or read. http://b00kbound.blogspot.com/ , TNBBC's The Next Best Book Blog http://thenextbestbookblog.blogspot.com/ which was represented at the Book Bloggers Convention has a link to my site. Sometimes, a blog will stop posting for a while, but still visit other blogs. If I'm still getting visits, but no posts, I'll hope they'll post at a later date.
I am adding Neil Gaiman's Journal to the authors that I read. I read this on occassion. http://journal.neilgaiman.com/ I am also adding Jonathan Carroll's Website. I think Jonathan Carroll's site is one of the most beautifully designed author websites I have ever seen. http://www.jonathancarroll.com/index.php . It includes an introduction by Neil Gaiman. Their writing style is very sympathetic with each other.
I also like Linnea Sinclair who writes science fiction romance; more specifically, science fiction space opera in my opinion. http://www.linneasinclair.com/
thanks for the update on alabama bookworm! :-)
You are welcome. Nice seeing you at the Book Blogger Convention.
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