Essay In Abstract Design, Roger Fry, 1915
Daily Thoughts 11/30/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
On the way to work, I read some more of Opening Up by Writing It Down. The book describes how it is not always a good idea to describe traumatic events that happen to people immediately. Many people adjust without help. Part of the process is having people who you are comfortable talking with, not just therapists, and having a place to write things down privately.
I checked the displays and the gift books. I spent some time working on a final report for a grant.
I also discussed the collection development policy with the director.
I printed up some new fliers for the Lets Build Robots! fundraising campaign.
I spent some time checking the 800s.
There is an Introduction to Blogging Class from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. today in the computer lab.
I read some more of Opening Up By Writing It Down. The authors describe a process where when pewrite down traumatic or negative experiences, they create a narrative that has closure. The closure allows people to stop thinking about the experience. It also allows people to create a story with negative and positive emotions.
Web Bits
White House Library Lowers the Tones With Its Christmas Book
The Brooklyn Public Library is Now Home to a Tiny Mollusk Museum