Friday, July 17, 2015

Daily Thoughts 07/17/2015

Julie Manet, Reading in a Chaise Lounge - Berthe Morisot
Julie Manet Reading in a Chaise Lounge, Berthe Morisot, 1890

Daily Thoughts 07/17/2015

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

Last night, I finished reading Mission Based Marketing Second Edition Positioning Your Not for Profit in an Increasingly Competitive World Peter C. Brinckerhoff.  The book reminds you to keep your logo and brand updated.  The logo for the library was recently updated.

I also started reading Paradise Sky by Joe Lansdale.  The story is one of Nat Love who was a famous African American gunman in the old west.  The language is very salty.  There is also a lot about race relations after the civil war.  Some of it is a little uncomfortable.  I have enjoyed reading about Nat Love's escaping a lynching, joining the Buffalo Soldiers, and learning to shoot.  Right now, I am reading about the famous shooting contest which he took part in.  It is how he got the nickname Deadwood Dick because of his incredible aim.

I checked the displays and the gift books.  I also spent some time looking at some of the new website which is being planned.  In addition, I am thinking about how to do adult board game programming.

This afternoon, I was the door minder for the Ice Cream Social.  I stamped the kids, adults, and teens hands to make sure they got one serving and came in in groups of 25 at a time.

I printed up some more flyers for events afterward.

We are getting people to do a variety of things for the library.  There are focus groups coming up with different purposes, programming, and events for the foundation.  I had a grape juice popsicle.

On the way home, I finished reading Paradise Sky by Joe Lansdale.  I like the style he writes with.  He is one of the few popular western writers that still produces work.   However, he writes in a style that uses a combination of historical figures, campfire banter, and tall tales.  There are numerous references to dime novels. In addition to Nat Love, the main character there are a sprinkling of historical characters throughout the novel including Wild Bill Hickock, Bass Reeves, Calamity Jane, and Judge Isaac C. Parker.

Web Bits

Getting Rid of Library Books: A Rebuttal to the Berkeley Library Director

St. Helena Library Director Dismissed in City Budget Cuts

Crowdfunding A New Option for Libraries

Letters:  The Library is No Place to Eat Dinner

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