Monday, July 20, 2015

Daily Thoughts 07/20/2015

Still Life with Fruit and Vegetables - Thomas Hart Benton
Still Life with Fruit and Vegetables, Thomas Hart Benton, 1914

Daily Thoughts 07/20/2015

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I read some more of Future Crimes.  Marc Goodman is writing about how Google and Facebook give us free access to their services in exchange for the right to sell our personal information.

I also read some more of Blueprint for Your Library Marketing Plan by Patricia Holts.  I am reading about how the strategic plan often ties in with the marketing plan and the collection development plan.

The order from Davidson Titles came in today.  I split it up and divided into three sections, one for adult, one for the job information center, and one for teens.  I also identified which books are going into the new books section.

I checked the displays and the gift books this morning.

There was a yoga class today from 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.

I left early today.

On the way home, I read some more of Future Crimes.  I am reading about how advertisers are increasingly trying to track where they think customers are using cell phones and social networks.

I alse reread The Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis and John Romita, Jr.  This graphic novel has a story line about the Avengers fighting Ultron and the timeline in the future being broken into pieces.  I am reading it for the graphic novel club tomorrow.

Web Bits

Local Councilman Not Sold on Brooklyn Heights Library Redevelopment

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