Saturday, July 18, 2015

Daily Thoughts 07/18/2015

Daily Thoughts 07/18/2015

I started reading Future Crimes Everything Is Connected Everyone is Vulnerable And What We Can Do About It by Marc Goodman who is a consultant on cybercrime.  He owns an organization called Future Crimes Institute.  The book starts by describing how vulnerable people are to hackers and how crime on computers is global.

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook.

I read the New York Times Bestseller List and the Publishers Weekly Bestseller List.

I also read an article on board games in the library on Webjunction.
Board In the Library, Part Six: Board Game Night Basics

I am also trying to figure out how crowdfunding works in the library setting.
Consider Crowdfunding Your Libraries Dream Projects
I am trying to figure out a basic project where it will be fairly easy to reach the funding goal, but can easily grow past the initial donation.

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