I just liked the picture. To do this challenge, I need to read six graphic novels by the end of the year between January and December 2008. I think I may have already done this. Anyways, they are supposed to be award winning graphic novels.
So here is a list of a few awards:
The Harvey Awards http://www.harveyawards.org/ ,
The Ignatz Awards http://www.spxpo.com/ignatz.shtml ,
The Eisner Awards http://www.comic-con.org/cci/cci_eisners_07win.shtml#winners
Feel free to join me in this challenge. It is very simple, read six graphic novels between January and December 2008. If you want to join me, you can post the six graphic novels you are interested in reading in the comments section of this post.
Good morning. I have started reading The Philosophers Apprentice by James Morrow. James Morrow is rather interesting he; writes philosophical and theological science fiction. His writing is rather unique in style and substance. He is a rationalist. James Morrow's blog is at
http://james-morrow.livejournal.com/ . It is rather interesting in that it does not shy away from religion and other controversial subjects. There are some pretty interesting ideas.
I have had to look more at the RUSA Reference and User Services Association guidelines. I read the guidelines for how to do virtual reference. I have been doing email reference for a little while.
Something which I found that was interesting in the RUSA guidelines is a guide for how to write reviews if you are a librarian. This is a pretty solid outline of the review process in professional literature. This covers all sorts of reviews; everything from videos, books, fiction, nonfiction, and other types of literature. http://www.ala.org/ala/rusa/protools/referenceguide/ElementsforReviews.pdf
I will definitely join you in the challenge. I really enjoy graphic novels but don't like when people snicker and say "Haha, you're reading a comic book!" To me, they are more than that. Is there a distinction between a comic book and a graphic novel or are they one in the same?
A graphic novel is a large format comic book, or compilation of several comic books. It is basically a long form comic book with a complex subject for adults.
Jack Katz describes his compilation of the "First Kingdom" in 1974 as a "Graphic Novel". I have a copy of this truly odd science fiction comic book on my shelf. Later, Will Eisner popularizes the term with "A Contract With God" in 1978. There have been earlier mature stories in comic book form. Basically, usually there is a beginning, middle, and end to a story in a graphic novel. So if it is a spiderman story from a series of comic books it will combine a single story arc from several smaller comic books into a larger comic book.
Thanks for the reply.
I think graphic novels are an underappreciated literary form.
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