Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Good Morning

WPA Adult Edution. Works Progress Administration New Deal. This is the way the United States will be heading if business people do not get their act together.

Good Morning

Last night I read some more of Winning by Jack and Suzy Welch on the train home. For a while the train was so crowded that I could not sit down so I didn't get as much reading done as I would have liked. The trains have been much more crowded lately. People are driving less. Cars are very expensive.

I finished ordering for romance paperbacks. There should be a nice solid order coming in. I went in the storage area and looked at the books I ordered. There are lots of computer books, Job Information Center books, business books, social science books, and professional books waiting to go out on the circulating shelves. There is something satisfying about seeing books which you have ordered on the shelves.

I am doing a film program at my library today. I just checked to make sure the room setup was done, small individual bags of popcorn and juice were ready. I'll make an announcement over the intercom later this afternoon. The computer technician is going to check the dvd to make sure it works. We have an extra copy of the film ready in case the one being checked doesn't work quite right.

We had fifteen people who came to the program, eight people stayed for the film, and seven more came for a short while. There were also a few people who came and looked in the room to see what was happening. I gave out two calendars of events for other programs. A lot of people come initially just because of the popcorn and juice.

I also compiled some patron requests for ordering. Items like Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 on dvd, the author Zane, the subject of how to find and buy foreclosures, and a young adult paperback series--Angels In Pink.


Book Calendar said...

I rather like trains better than buses. Having a convenient train corridor, I think is a much better experience than buses. Trains are more predictable and reliable than buses.

NathanKP said...

"There is something satisfying about seeing books which you have ordered on the shelves."

I would love to order books for a library. It must be great to be able to order books and not have to pay for them!
