Ceiling of the British Museum Reading Room, London, England.
Daily Thoughts
Good evening, today was a long but interesting day. I broke down the collection into sections for people to order from and created a list of ordering assignments for the collection. I am still doing business management, law, social science, computers, the job information center, and graphic novels. At least, we will have coverage of the full collection. Things were a bit spotty for a while.
I also went through the books I ordered recently that came in and prioritized what should be processed to be put on the shelves first. I also made a few changes to the processing of the books. We still have a large backlog of books which needs to be processed.
This afternoon we had a demonstration of Hoovers and Firstsearch for business online. I am fairly familiar with Hoovers online. I think it is an excellent online business database for finding company information and creatings lists of companies. We are going to evaluate it this week. It is something which I think we should consider getting. I used it a lot while I was working at an internet company.
I was pleasantly surprised at the number of people that came for our Foreclosure Information Workshop. Although, I was not there, we had thirty people come for the presentation. It ended up closing a bit late. I find this kind of programming useful and satisfying.
Tomorrow, I will be working on creating a list of family oriented films to show on Sunday. I already have a few picked out. I am going to ask the other staff members what they would like to see. Films that both adults and children can watch together. We got our movie licensing for the year filled out.
I was a bit distracted, so I did not get a chance to read that much more of John Bateson, Building Hope Leadership in the Nonprofit World. I think I will finish reading it tomorrow.
I will be going to New York Comic Con on Friday. I am very much looking forward to doing it.
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