Thursday, December 19, 2013

Daily Thoughts 12/19/2013

Farmer Sitting at the Fireside and Reading, Vincent Van Gogh, 1881

Daily Thoughts 12/19/2013

On the way to work, I read some more of Without Their Permission. He is describing how to surprise people with service. He describes practices like custom error messages and making sure everything you do shows care from your business card to your logo.

I also started reading Running Book Discussion Groups by Lauren Zina John. I am reading about the concept of one book, one city events where a library or organization tries to get everyone in a city to read a particular book. This morning I checked the Twitter and Facebook for the library.

I spent some time discussing Bookletters, Facebook, and Twitter with the new children's department coordinator this morning.

I also checked the displays and the gift books.

I spent some time weeding in the oversize books this afternoon.

The Computer Lab is open from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. today. There is also a class in the computer lab from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. tonight on Your Android Smart Phone. This morning, there was an Internet for Seniors class from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

On the way home, I read some more of Running Book Discussion Groups A How To Do It Manual. There were some places to look for recommended titles like Bookpages for popular fiction and Locus Magazine for science fiction and fantasy, or the Pulitzer Prize for nonfiction. There were also some suggestions on how to recruit members. Right now, I am talking to the Friends of the Library as well as some of the patrons who come on a regular basis. Web Bits Dean Koontz Interview A Heartwarming Ode to Books and Reading

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