book wall at House of the Book in the city of Leipzig/Buchwand im Haus des Buches in Leipzig
Daily Thoughts 7/10/2009
I spent some time looking at http://www.spdbooks.org/ Small Press Distributors which is a nonprofit organization focused on distributing small press titles. Many of the titles are unique and high quality. There is a lot of poetry here, especially modern fiction and poetry. Some of it is experimental and would never be distributed by large publishing houses or book distributors.
I also spent a little bit of time looking at the New Releases section of the Mysterious Bookshop. They include a few espionage novels which look quite interesting. http://www.mysteriousbookshop.com/?page=shop/browse&category_id=21&CLSN_2723=12472333322723e70ee980e4654b4b63
Today was another fairly busy day. I used the content of my postcard on ebooks to redo it as a flyer which should look very interesting. I also did a display of some of our rare books from storage. Some of them are quite interesting. We have a first edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica which is interesting to look at. We also added some more baskets for the nonfiction area of our slat walls. I am still doing some evaluation of the 700s.
I picked up two books to read this weekend, Marketing Without Advertising Easy Ways to Build a Business Your Customers Will Love & Recommend by Michael Phillips & Sally Rasberry and The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Both look like very interesting books.
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