Sinclair Lewis, Nobel laureate in Literature 1930
Sunday Musings 7/19/2009
I just joined http://bookmarket.ning.com/ I am hoping I can learn a few new things.
I just joined Facebook again. http://www.facebook.com/BookCalendar Facebook is not supposed to allow anonymity. For your eddification, I am now Charles Dickens writer of Tale of Two Cities an excellent book. I cannot be Jack Kerouac that is not allowed. My friend asked me to join Facebook so I could look at pictures. I am not that fond of all the little applications, but I will give it another try.
I have started reading Talent Is Overrated What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else by Geoff Colvin. This book gives a different answer than nature versus nurture. It talks about starting at an early age, being intensely interested in what you are doing, concentrating very hard, and practicing a lot every single day. The author describes this in the context of John D. Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, and Tiger Woods so far.
It is free online to read Chris Anderson's Book Free: The Future of a Radical Price on SCRIBD.
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