Walter Crane a book illustrator.
Daily Thoughts 7/2/2009
Today was a pleasant day. I spent more time weeding the 700s, the oversize 700s, and the mystery. I also took some time to look through Library Journal online at their review section. I am pretty much caught up with my ordering for this month. There should be some interesting titles coming in.
Tomorrow is vacation time. I picked up a few books to read as well as some dvds. I am looking forward to reading Mucho Mojo by Joe Lansdale. I also plan on watching The Librarian 3: Curse of the Judas Chalice on dvd over the weekend.
I started reading How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer. It is about the decision process. The book reminds me a little bit of Descartes Error by Antonio Damasio. It posits that emotions are extremely important in decision making, and that we are more of an emotional being than a rational one. I know this is true of myself.
Web Bits
Barbara Genco has joined Library Journal as its editor of collection development. I think this will be a big improvement in their coverage of selecting materials. http://www.lisnews.org/barbara_genco_joins_library_journal_editor_collection_management
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