Daily Thoughts 7/11/2009
The book Free by Chris Anderson is generating a lot of controversy. It is something we ordered a while ago. I think the controversy will make more people want to read the book. I read The Long Tail also by Chris Anderson and was not that impressed. It reminded me of a new way to package niche marketing. Thttp://www.publishersweekly.com/article/CA6670080.html?desc=topstory
I walked up to my local library and dropped off a few books. It was very pleasant outside today. I did not get any more books to read.
I have been reading Marketing Without Advertising. It is a fairly dense text. The premise is that advertising is not the best way for small businesses to get customers. It describes ways to build a client base by having excellent customer service, generating recommendations, using informational products like brochures, and generating goodwill. The book has lots of recommendations in it.
Sometimes when you are looking through the magical land of the internet, you find odd things. Michael Jackson's visit to the Strand Bookstore. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nancy-bass/the-day-i-met-michael-jac_b_225954.html
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